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欢迎增加“乔治华盛顿大学”官方微信,我们会为大家提供学校新闻、二手出售、租房、交友等信息。有什么需要转发或者帮忙的可以直接发给我。 回复“GWU”获取乔治华盛顿大学简介 回复“手机客户端”获取GWU手机客户端信息 回复“社交网络”获取GWU社交网络信息 回复“CSSA”获取学生学者联合会简介。乔治华盛顿大学中国学生学者联合会(The George Washington University Chinese Students and Scholars Association)是中国驻美大使馆认可的唯一一个乔治华盛顿大学学生协会,协会是一个在乔治华盛顿大学注册,并以服务学生为宗旨的综合性非营利性学生组织。 学生会成立于2004年,最初是一群足球爱好者组成的足球队,进而发展成为学校的社团,最终成为了中国学生会。 学生会致力于帮助中国学生在社会、文化等方面更好的融入到美国。每年学生会将举办许多精彩的活动,其中中秋联欢、春节晚会等中国传统节日活动让远在美国读书的中国学生感受到家乡的温暖。 大记事: 2004年:学生会成立。 2004-2012年,由于资料缺失,补漏和纠错:admin@hellogwu.com 2012.12:学生会与乔治华盛顿大学社区合并 About CSSA-GWU The GWU Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) is a student organization dedicated to the goal of promoting social, intellectual and cultural activities for Chinese students and scholars at GWU as well as other interested members in the GWU community. It will also strive to provide opportunities and benefits for its members by facilitating the exchange of information between China and Chinese students studying abroad. CSSA encourages all (especially newcoming) Chinese students and scholars in GWU to get involved in organizing CSSA events and to join our organization. Chinese Students and Scholars Association is an officially registered student organization of the GeorgeWashington University. Founded in 2004, CSSA-GWU is one of the largest and most active student organizations at the George Washington University, now with nearly 1,000 members who are mainly GWUstudents, scholars, faculty and staff members originally from China. As a home to GWU\'s Chinese community, CSSA-GWU is dedicated to the goal of promoting social, intellectual,
